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Air Transport

Air Transport

We can suggest multiple airlines at the request of the shipper.
Our top priority is planning according to the customer's request.
We will meet all your needs such as Japanese airlines and overseas airlines.

Another advantage is that the transportation time is much faster than that of a ship.
Furthermore, if there is an airport in the center of the destination, the land transportation cost can be reduced accordingly.

Based on the customer's needs, in cases where the shipping quantity is small, or in cases where time is limited, etc.,
though the charge is higher than sea transportation, we recommend air transport.
Harvest World Express Co., Ltd.
<head office>
2-2-8 Unoki, Ota-ku, Tokyo Unoki Building 2F B
TEL: 03-6459-8694
FAX: 03-6459-8695
<Saitama Branch>
374 Yonezaki, Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture
FAX: 048-795-4016
<Osaka Branch>
4-4-17 Honmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka RE-012 4F
FAX: 06-6282-1304